7 Common Types of Credit Card Fraud

Jen Crafter
5 min readApr 10, 2020


Anything is possible for fraudsters. Despite the fact that there are various ways for protecting your credit cards, the criminals grow better approaches for misleading credit card users or simply recast an old stunt. The thought is to be keeping watch for tricks for securing your credit card information which will assist you with preventing unapproved charges and fraud for you. Credit Bazaar gives you a list of the most common types of Credit Card Frauds to look out for, given below in detail:

  1. Assumed Identity: Assumed identity fraud refers to a criminal using a false name and a temporary address for obtaining a credit card. There are different structures set up with banks for shielding against this sort of fraud. For example, they will request that new customers give account references and these will be reverified to confirm that they are unique and certifiable. The banks follow an exacting convention and might approach you for any personal document, directly from birth certificates to international IDs to unique duplicate of driver’s license. They for the most part request such documentation before they convey a card, and along these lines, this kind of fraud isn’t that simple to do.
  2. Going Phishing: At the point when you hand your credit card subtleties to someone under the guise of some other person or thing, it is known as phishing. For example, a general phishing trick happens when a phony company that is by all accounts fundamentally the same as the genuine one (suppose Denna Bank rather than Dena Bank) sends you a bona fide looking email requesting your card subtleties. These phishers regularly have fundamentally the same as or even indistinguishable logos from the first existing company with comparative URLs for booting, so individuals can without much of a stretch succumb to them. This is an exceptionally basic kind of fraud in many nations.
  3. Doctored Cards: Well, as the name goes, a doctored card is the one on which surgery has been performed. Its metallic stripe is erased using a strong magnet. Criminals do this and then administer to alter the details on the credit card itself so that they can match those of valid credit cards. This card will not work when a criminal tries to purchase something. Although, these fraudsters are very cunning and will then use their charm for convincing the merchant to enter the card details manually.
  4. Mail Non-Receipt Card Fraud: So you are waiting for your replaced or new card and haven’t received it as of now? Chances are a criminal might have intercepted your card. Such a kind of fraud is also called as intercept or never received issue fraud. The fraudster can then register your card and make use of it for making purchases and much more. Look, when you make a credit card application, 99% of the time that credit card will be sent by mail to you. In such situations, the interception could take place before the card arrives, or in most cases, the card thief might have just drawn it from your letterbox. For protection against such a kind of fraud, it is recommended to install a lockable mailbox, or at least to regularly check your mailbox.
  5. Account Takeover: Account Takeover is the credit card fraud that is on an ascent nowadays! Since the conventional card fraud strategies are additionally testing since inserted chips and multi-dimensional images are hard to make, this trick is ascending as per late discoveries. More often than not, this crime starts with remiss online card security. Here, the cardholder’s information is acquired by the programmer. At that point, they go about as though they are the authentic account holder and contact the specific card organization. By reporting that they have lost their card, they attempt to pick up compassion and solicitation another one home. At that point, they draw the operator to refresh their location data as well. In this way, that substitution card isn’t sent to the genuine account holder, yet the con artist. All that is left for the fraudster to do is simply enacting the card and start online shopping. The genuine cardholder won’t know about this experience until they attempt to utilize their authentic credit card, which the fraudster reported as lost or taken. Keep in mind, if this ever transpires, place a prompt card to your card organization for fixing the circumstance.
  6. Fake Cards: Creating fake credit cards is not a cakewalk! It requires a lot of skill, effort and time, however, that doesn’t stop a determined fraudster. A particular card needs to meet specific complex security aspects. Also, with cards becoming more and more advanced nowadays, it means this task has become much harder to do.
  7. Altered Cards: One of the significant ways in which scammers can deceive consumers and merchants is by using altered credit cards. Firstly, the fraudsters obtain a legitimate cardholder’s data. Then, they make alterations to the numbers on a bad card to match the same on a real account. Lastly, they run a neodymium magnet on the magnetic strip and chip to erase or scramble the original data of the card. They make purchases with the credit card. Of course, the information is not deciphered by the chip reader and the transaction gets failed.

Conclusion: Overall, the 13 most common types of credit card frauds are explained above and you need to be well-aware of them. You must be aware of such scams so that you do not fall prey to them. Credit Bazaar provides complete assistance for the protection of your credit cards so that you never have to be a victim of such credit thefts ever!

For any queries regarding Credit Score improvement or Loan contact Credit Bazaar CR Arcade 2nd Floor, Opposite Delta Garden, Next to Shree Mahalaxmi Restaurant, Mira Road East, Thane: 401107

