Credit Card: How it works and How to apply for one during covid

Jen Crafter
5 min readMay 27, 2021


What is a Credit Card

Credit card is a debit card that can be used to buy, pay off debts, or by going with a card, to withdraw money. An easy way to think of a credit card as a type of temporary loan. When you open a credit card account, your credit card company offers you a set of credit limit. This is actually a credit card company that allows you to use it to buy or pay off debts. Your available credit goes down as you charge items on the card. You then return what you have used from your credit limit to the credit card company.

Credit card allows you to access the credit limit provided by your credit card provider. Your credit limit is the maximum amount you can borrow. Instead of giving you a full loan in cash, the card issuer allows you to take out the credit limit as much as possible at a certain time. As you repay what you borrow, you can borrow again.

What is a Credit Card

Credit cards allow you to borrow money from a bank under an agreement that you will repay the loan on your due date or incur interest.

The ability to buy now and pay later goes beyond other payment methods, such as bank cards or cash, which require you to have money paid at the time of purchase. In addition to having more flexibility with payment, credit cards help you get credit points, so you can get other financial products, such as loans and loans.

There can also be some cash credit card benefits, where cardholders can earn rewards on all purchases, which can also be paid for travel, statement fees and more. Some credit cards also offer interest rates.

And with laws like the CARD Act and the Fair Credit Billing Act that help regulate the industry and provide higher levels of protection against fraudulent purchases, credit cards are much safer compared to other payment methods.

How a credit card works

How a credit card works

Credit cards can be used to shop online or in stores and pay off debts. If you use each credit card, your card details will be sent to the merchant’s bank. The bank then obtained authorization from the credit card network for processing. Your card issuer must verify your details and approve or reject the transaction.

If the transaction is approved, payment is made to the merchant and your credit card debt is reduced by the amount of the transaction. At the end of your payment cycle, your card issuer will send you a statement showing all the transactions for the month, your previous balance and new balance, the amount you have paid for and your due date.

Grace period is the time between the purchase date on your card and the due date written on your statement. At this time if you pay your debt in full on the due date, there are no additional interest payments.

But if you manage your balance every month, your card issuer can charge interest. A percentage of your credit card or APR indicates the cost of managing the balance for the year. Your APR includes both your interest rate and other costs, such as the annual fee if your card is available.

What is the credit card limit?

Credit card limits The maximum amount that the lender will allow the consumer to use using a credit card or credit card line. Limits are determined by banks, other lenders, and credit card companies and are based on much information related to the borrower. These lenders check the borrower’s debt rating, personal income, credit history, and other factors.

Credit card limits can be set for both unsecured credit and secure credit. Unsecured credit with restrictions is often in the form of credit cards and unsecured credit lines. If the credit line is secured — supported by collateral — the lender considers the collateral amount. For example, if someone takes out a home loan line, the credit limit varies accordingly to the borrower’s home.

Lenders will not issue a maximum credit limit to a person who is unable to repay it. If the consumer has a high credit limit, it means that the borrower views the borrower as a less risky borrower. The borrower has a lot of power to use with a higher credit limit.

How credit card limit is decided

How credit card limit is decided

Credit card companies determine your credit limit through a complex process called transaction, which works according to mathematical formulas, large-scale testing and analysis. The details of the process are protected because it is the way the company makes money. The essence of the matter is that this calculation system helps the company to decide who will agree, at what price and at what limit. The higher the credit limit, the more the company proves that the borrower expects to repay the loan. Here are some basic principles that credit providers use to determine your credit value.

Pre-Setted Credit Card Limits

Most credit cards are pre-programmed with a credit limit. This means that once the credit provider has determined the quality of your credit they will allocate the remaining dollar balance to your account for new purchases and / or transferred balances. This limit is preset. It can be increased over time or at the request of customers if your credit scores approve and the credit card issuer intends to extend the additional credit.

Cards with No-Preset Limits Credit

Some premium credit cards and charging cards come with unrestricted and robust credit limits, which means they can grow or contract according to your real moral and ethical needs. However, when large purchases are expected the dynamic credit line tends to accept non-pattern spending because there is flexibility built into these types of credit limits.

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